Watch for early signs of injury
Some soreness for a few days after activity is normal, especially if you've had a long break. But there are a few common issues to watch out for as you return to activity:
● Swelling or bruising
● Joint pain, especially in the knees or shoulders
● Foot pain, which could be a sign of plantar fasciitis
● Muscle strains - particularly common in the hamstrings
● Sprains - most common in the ankle
Any of these issues justifies a call to your physical therapist. Getting checked out early can prevent an injury that derails your attempt to return to activity. PTs see all of the issues just mentioned on a regular basis and can help safely guide you back into a more active lifestyle.
MELT Classes can teach you simple moves using a soft foam roller to support injury prevention and prepare you for the activities you are returning to. MELT can also enhance your performance and return to your lifestyle activities!